Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Day 10 of NaNoWriMo... and a sick little girl
It was a couple nights of no sleep, but i did get some writing in. I'm just about 400 words short of 20,000!!! I can't believe i made it to 1,000 let alone 20,000!! I'm very pleased! oh yeah!! I'm really loving how the story is falling into place :)
I've been finding it hard the past couple of days to write, as my hand is not playing fair with me. That ganglion cyst has come back with a vengeance. It's making my hand all tingly, so this afternoon, i thought up an idea ;) I wrapped up my lower arm inside my heating pad :) and it helped! Tingling stopped! I also put on those magnetic bracelets.
I'm so used to writing on paper... this writing on the computer is so hard on the wrists.
Just a short note to let you know how i'm doing and to remind myself too in case i forget lol ... but i must run along and finish getting caught up as i lost yesterday.
oh yes! our Christmas tree! i almost forgot, it's up now :) started it last night and finished it when emily and avery got home from school. it looks very pretty, i'll take a picture soon, did some different ideas with it that i liked :)
Have a great evening everyone!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Day 4 of NaNoWriMo... i'm still in it :)
I really should be working on Rilla's Ramblings #3 but haven't been able to do that for a few days. I will though, once the painting is finished :) but then it's Christmas decorating... but that'll only take a few days :) but then there's Christmas baking, and shopping for Christmas presents and letters... and and ... it'll all fall in place... no matter how busy it gets... it'll all get finished :)
my count you ask?
so far i've written... 7629 words!!! a total record for me!! I'm THAT thrilled!! I so can't believe I'm writing a novel... didn't think i could do it, but I'm loving it and so loving how the story is going.
Rilla is LOVING Kindergarten!! She's even sounding out words now... every single words she sees!! :) it's the cutest thing :) My friend made a wallpaper of Rilla for book 2... no title yet for it... must do that too. Here is the wallpaper... thanks so much Strawberry!! You ARE awesome :) Have a great evening everyone :)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
My First NaNoWriMo is Beginning Soon!
Plus it's been 3 whole months since I've blogged... yeah, sometimes you won't see a capital, it's because my shift key is acting up :) .... this summer has been long and hard... i'm very thankful it's over... I've had a lot of changes too... but we won't go into those... I'm just putting my trust in God that things will work out for the best. Where would we be without our dear Lord to guide and hold us when we're down? :) all good.
so i'm just going to restart this blog as if i never left ;)
So I've joined up with NaNoWriMo (hey i remembered how to do links!) (yay me!) I've got to write 50,000 words from November 1st til November 30th... it's something I've never done before, but i want this challenge... i really, really do. I'm pumped to start it up :) I've been working on a story all day today, plus painting and tidying, etc... I'm loving the story I've come up with :) but can't say anything about it *wink* yet :D

I didn't do any writing all summer... just no time for it, plus, i didn't have the want for it. I have the want now and it feels good again. I did miss it...
My gardens are a total disaster... will I get to them this fall?? ?I just don't know... so much work and I've no time... but we'll see what happens.
Must go work on Rilla's Ramblings 3 now :) I'm at an exciting part :) and something NICE is going to happen!!
Here's a pretty wallpaper my friend in India made for me... I love this verse... It says it all about my past summer. Enjoy :) (hope that comes in here right, it started out big, but went small as i typed... )
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I'm here!
It's been hectic! Very hectic. I will post soon :) just need more time is all. Summer equals work, which means no time for writing. Changes coming though, which is great :) I'll try to get something posted this weekend :)
Hope to be here soon :)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
First Book Signing!
Monday, June 14, 2010
3rd Query Sent!
It's raining on PEI today. I was hoping to get out and garden, but i guess not. I got a lot done yesterday though and i'm happy for that. So that means i get to work on book 3 :) I'm happy with that lol A great day to curl up with a blanket, paper and pencil :) plus pencil sharpener and eraser for sure! lol No computer for me when i do the first writing. I love the old fashioned way.
Exam week for my daughter. Must keep her at it lol ...teenagers!
I'm going to start posting 10 blessings when i blog...
Monday's Blessings...
Rain for writing.
I'm able to be home with a sick child.
Sleeping babies.
Dishes done.
Kids chores done without growls :)
A freshly made bed.
Home remedies.
Soft cool breeze coming through the window.
Being able to pray for a friend.
That went fast... i could go on and on lol but i said 10 :)
I saw something on another blog that she'd have a list of questions and she'd answer them with each blog. I might ask if she'd mind if i did that too. Gotta find who she was first lol.
Editing here... Night Time at Ingleside... just had an update from Diana Gabaldon's blog about her new graphic novel... the blog said not to copy and paste the picture, but linking to it is fine.. Hope i did it right. I can't wait for this to come out! I'm a huge Diana Gabaldon fan :D
Love the writing i did today... story 3 is coming along nicely! about half way through :)
Maalai vanakkam Everyone... Tamil for Good Evening
Friday, June 11, 2010
A Kindred's Poem
My heart aches thinking of her pain. It was so sudden. Such a shock to the family.
I wrote a poem for her.
The Actual '73 Giving Tree Movie Spoken By Shel Silverstein
The Sun Shines on Prince Edward Island!! Introducing - My "The Giving Tree"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Goaltender Drew MacIntyre Profile
Shout Out for my nephew Drew MacIntyre...
I'm so proud of him! He's one awesome guy and one beautiful father and husband.
PEI is into a little storm right now... thunder and lightening. We're at the end, just the odd smackeral of light flashes is all. I love a storm :) when it's not a bad one lol
My beautiful cousin took a picture of a lighthouse at the Souris Wharf , i asked her if i could share and she said yes.. Thanks so much, Jana! Here is is... I'm going to try a poem for it... try lol... we'll see how it goes. If i like it, i'll post it, if not, well... you know lol
oh if not, then i'll find one i love, yeah :D
Have another lighthouse picture from a friend down home... the pic was taken at Peggy's Cove... Thanks so much Chrystal!
Ok, i wrote one... It's not great, but i like it :D
The Lighthouse
A Beacon to show the way
shining it's eternal glow.
A beauty during the day
standing proud and tall.
A small spirit
fearless and true.
That won't give you up
and the way; bring you through.
A lighthouse is there
when you feel so alone.
It's light will guide you.
It will lead you home.
© Denise MacLennan Bruce
Working on some neat changes for book 2 and still working on book 3. Loving it too :D
Started a new website too. That's going to take a long time to have ready, but it's a start at least :)
ok, gotta work on that poem...
Friday, June 4, 2010
Books Sold Out At Indigo!
Also had an email from the librarian with some news... I'll know more next week if they will put my book in the libraries... I hope so! Many thanks to my friend for giving me this information. Muchly appreciated :)
I'm working on book 3 of Rilla's Rambles Series... I'm loving the idea of this one so far... esp the beginning. I loved the beginning of the others too i guess lol Still a ways to go with this one, but it's getting there. I love how things come together when you don't expect it.
While i was at Basin Head, i asked the ladies to give me their fairy thoughts... what fairy they would want to be and their names... well when i was driving home, i was thinking of this book... #3... and the idea came to me thanks to Basin Head! I love how God works in these little ways. It's little ways He shows Himself to us. We just have to be willing to "see" Him.
Also working on finding out how to get my books online with Indigo... more complicated than i thought, but I'm up for the challenge :D
Have a great Friday night, Everyone!
Many Blessings to you all.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
First Classroom Visit today... and 2nd Rejection!
I was at home soon after starting to read the book. It went well, i think. The kids had ideas about the book and what was to come, as it isn't ended yet... there's more to add to the story :) i loved their questions and they had great ideas. Their teacher is amazing and so kind... she has one big heart.
I also dropped some of my books off at the local fisheries museum and day park.
this is the link to the site this picture came from... Great site!
I signed a couple books while i was there also. I asked the ladies for their fairy names, and what they would like to be a fairy of for future use, and it turned out that i needed the museum for book #3! So i started writing them in last night.
I am going to get a lady who makes a gorgeous Teacher Tote to make me one too. It's beautiful... The blog is called A Craft A Day Here's a pic of the tote...

Here's an inside pic... perfect for writing equipment...

I can't wait! It'll be so pretty to carry around :)
Oh, how could i forget... i got my 2nd rejection the other day... that's 2 down... 18 - 48 to go lol or way more... I'm ready for it though!!
I will not give up... I've just begun!
Monday, May 31, 2010
So Much To Do, So Little Time...
Let's see... my writing... I've started working on the 3rd in the Rilla's Rambles Series; just working on the plot for now. I'm loving this story... then again i love them all lol Ever since i started it, my mind thought it'd be a 5 book series. I'll probably stick to that, and if i had to add to it, that'd be no problem.
Rilla had her 5th birthday on Saturday (the party that is) She wanted a Barbie Cake... my youngest son, Seth we'll call him, was at a friends for the night; my oldest daughter, Theodosia, was at work til 9, and my oldest son, Tobias was working also and cutting grass. I was left to do this cake alone... it was flopping and flipping everywhere... i tried hard to keep it level, but the minute i turned my back to wash the icing off my hands it flopped again... finally i thought of the sticks for covering chocolates and i stuck 4 of them through the 4 layers of the cake. I stopped around 11:30 ... couldn't do anymore after cleaning all day long... in the morning i went to the little town up here to get a barbie... none in the store... except a guy which Rilla wanted on her cake lol took him home, put him in the cake and he was way too tall... so we hunted for a broken doll and found snowwhite. I fixed her up and finished the cake in time to do more tidying with Seth, Theodosia and Tobias and Rilla all pitching in. Here's how the cake turned out... pic courtesy of Theodosia's friend Lynne :)
Not great, but close enough. I added the wings from another barbie of Rilla's... the wand was a sucker from a friend too, i just dipped it in the icing... Theodosia's idea :D the butterflies around the cake are from the guy barbie we bought.
Here's the table all set up...
3 princess' playing in the barbie house...
Here's Rilla My Rilla turned 5...
She had a wonderful time at her party, family and friends came up for her day. It was so nice of them all.
I have a little garden idea to share with you all..but I'll have to save it for another post as this only allows me a few pictures. I don't want to mess this one up lol
Have a new idea for a new book too which i think you'll all love! I know I do :D
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Revising is so fun...
I'm getting there, almost finished then i can send it to my dear proofreader ;) who i cherish very much :)
I also have a little story in my mind from Rilla's dream... as she was telling it to me, I had the feeling it was meant to be a book. I'll be working on that tonight :)
It's cold and windy and rainy on PEI today/tonight. Not a great day, but a reason to be inside getting stuff finished. My friend, Strawberry, made My Island poem and picture into a beautiful wallpaper. I love it! Thank you so much, Strawberry! It's beautiful.
soon i can work on book 3 of the Rilla's Rambling series... can't wait for that one :D
just a short note tonight, not much happened today.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Town Day
Picked up Emily from school and then we were off. Oh i love ipods and driving long distances and thankfully i get to put the music up loud. Dancing in the car isn't easy lol but fun :)
Didn't get any stitch of writing done today at all. That's ok though, one day won't hurt. On the drive to town , though, i spied my dancing tree again. I adore this tree... it looks like it's holding up it's skirts, i want to write a story about it, just not sure how, but it'll come to me.
Tomorrow is getting things cleaned up for Rilla's birthday on Saturday. Lots to clean here.
I did get another poem written the other day. A friend sent a pretty picture to me. A lady walking on the beach. I thought she reminded me of myself, and as i looked at the photo, I wanted to write about it. I'll see if i can find the photo and if i can share it. I found it... it's called A Familiar Walk by Susan Rios
With the poem i wrote to go with it... You can buy the print with her site too! cool!
©Denise MacLennan Bruce
Oh! i watched The Fall 2006 movie last night... LOVED IT!
Plot... In a hospital on the outskirts of 1920s Los Angeles, an injured stuntman begins to tell a fellow patient, a little girl with a broken arm, a fantastical story about 5 mythical heroes. Thanks to his fractured state of mind and her vivid imagination, the line between fiction and reality starts to blur as the tale advances.
I would definitely watch this one again.
Let me know if you watch it and what you thought too.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Victoria Day aka PicNic Day.... and Lost Gone Forever :(
After our disappointment over our frog pond we trudged along. Next field was The Tripping Field... weeds that long to trip us... if they win, they puff out a smoke that puts us to sleep, we must move swiftly! and we did, without any tripping... to the next field.. the Dead Forest... as we come nearer, it's grown! It's not dead anymore but teaming with life. This made it harder to walk though lol and i had to carry Rilla a long way to cross the dead forest.
We finally reach the opening to the brooks little woods... but first must carefully crawl over the fallen logs... not an easy job as Avery can tell you... he stepped on the first one and down he went as the log was rotting away. He got some scratches, but trudged along... Emily would cross the next log, and i'd lift Rilla over the logs to Emily's awaiting arms... slow going but safe :D finally we reach our brook! Marsh marigolds out in bloom... and... yes you guess it... BLACK FLIES!! We had to turn around :( Why they started then i'll never we headed back home and had our picnic on the living room floor... and imagined the clouds and sky and bumblebees with us. It was nice, though.
Now the important news... Lost... SPOILER ALERT... it's over, gone, caput... i'm going to miss it soooooooooooooooooooo much!!! So many questions still to be answered too.
I loved how the couples remembered each other, esp Sun and Jin. I knew they were thankful. I wasn't happy that it ended up that they were all dead though... that was too much. Oh my heart while watching this show last night! Up one minute, down the next... happiness, madness, sadness... utter sadness... it totally wore me out lol... I cried and cried.. i was so sad for Jack... he was so heart broken to find out he was dead, then he accepted it. I loved that, but hated it too. It was very touching to show his eye closing as he took his last beautiful breath :(
I found out that we'll find out what happened to Walt in the DVD later on, i think it comes out in August... i'll look and link it up... I definitely want to get the lost dvd set. so many other questions still sit in my mind, but eventually we'll find them out.
I have a field of dandelions i want to get a picture of, i'll try to remember tomorrow, it's very pretty for dandelions :)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Previously on Lost : What?
Friday, May 21, 2010
Having a Missing Lost Night
Happy stuff?... I revised the little story i wrote yesterday one more time.. I was reading it to someone and realized a couple more mistakes, and fixed them.
..............Rilla had a dream, about a monster stealing her hot chocolate... so i'm going to write about it. I think it'd make a cute book :D
............. I rearranged my living room to suit my desk... it's in front of the picture window. I get to write and look out onto my front yard and my ocean view. A little hummingbird sat there all afternoon with me as i wrote. He was so darling. My little inspiration <3
............ My family is happy and healthy. That's the best happiness ... There, i'm happy again : D ... now i'll have to do this again Sunday night :( lol
I wrote another poem... i was trying not to rhyme with this one, but still get the meaning out. Here's what i came up with...
©Denise MacLennan Bruce
©Denise MacLennan Bruce
Brain Storm!
Isn't it something how our Dear Lord works? This idea comes to me on a rainy, wet day. I wouldn't have been able to work on it if it wasn't wet outside because i'd have to garden. But it was wet out there, and i had the idea for a story and i wrote. Even had to take time to pick up my teeny bopper. I'm very blessed. and very thankful.
dh also took up one of our old school desks for Youngest Daughter to work on for her homeschooling. She washed it off and dried it while i did the dishes. We filled it with her precious books and she happily sits to start working ... She didn't want to stop lol
it was a great day all together. I'm so happy to have that story. I've always loved my spirea and birch.
no pics today... but i'll get a pic of the spirea and birch soon.
Have a blessed day!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Safety on the Internet

Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman
It was another great day to get outside to garden. I used the morning to clean, then made dinner for the men, and outside for Rilla and I ... until the black flies were so horrible that we hadn't any choice but come back inside. I didn't really mind. A new book arrived in the mail and i was dying to open it up :)
I've been writing some old memories down in my notebook... anything that i could remember for IF i need the ideas.
A dear friend mentioned to me that it might be best if i change the real names of my family on here. I'm going to do that tonight, plus take out a little more information about myself. Just to make it safer for my family on here. I'm very thankful she mentioned it to me :)
Tonight is for writing... i'm going to try to write 15 minutes per day. Didn't want it to happen at night, but I've no choice on that right now lol
I've also got to read my second book aloud, didn't get to finish that yet.
My mother sent me the newspaper clippings of Lucy Maud's Island Hymn being made Prince Edward Island's National Anthem!! I'm so happy for her!
Here's Lucy Maud Montgomery's Island Hymn You can hear the music here also ...
The Island Hymn
Music by Lawrence W. Watson Lyrics by Lucy Maud Montgomery Fair Island of the sea We raise our song to thee The bright and blest; Loyally now we stand As brothers, hand and hand And sing God save the land We love the best. Upon our princely Isle May kindest fortune smile In coming years; Peace and prosperity In all her boarders be From every evil free And weakling fears. Prince Edward Isle, to thee Our hearts shall faithful be Where'er we dwell; Forever may we stand As brothers, hand and hand And sing God save the land We love so well. Good Night All! |
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
this end was filled with ferns that i dug out... they loved to take over this bed. so they are gone and there are some bushes in their place. My earth is very dry... we're in need of rain.
Beautiful Prince Edward Island Day :)
Well, we finally had a beautiful day. It's still beautiful out, but i'm too sore to do any more gardening lol... My Youngest had her dolly out with her in her pram, and also helped me with my gardens.
Here's a before pic of the first garden we worked on... My poor pictures are so bright, I've tried clicking everything on the camera, but it just doesn't want to work. I'll have to read the manual i guess. But I'll just post what i have... Here's the after... I edged this one.
Going to try posting from my picasa... i hate the way i have to do pictures here by moving them down then they get stuck... let's see how the other way goes...
Monday, May 17, 2010
Lost is almost finished :(
This is from my facebook page.
Here's the recap from last week's show. It has some cursing in it... reader beware. Can't wait to see what happens!!! but i'll be so sad :( boohoo... whatever will i watch with it gone???
Tomorrow PEI is supposed to be warm. I do hope... i plan on getting out to garden, most likely planning a picnic with My Youngest , unless i can hold her until 2 of my other kids come home from school :) :D
Short message after doing the links... it's time to read for me. Had a goody bag of books arrive today, can't wait to dig in!
Publisher and Agent Links...
I'll just put the links in a list form... and I'll make sure they are linked to the Submission's Guidelines page.
3 Seas Literary Agency
About Words Agency
Publisher's Marketplace
Agent Query
Tundra Books
Artists and Artisans
These are links to websites that have helped me.
Query Shark
Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators - a must have group that all writers should join.
Nathan Bransford
Beginning Writer's Start Here
Writer's World
A guide to writers and publisher's help
Self-Publish or Not: Advice from a Traditional Publisher
Glossary of special terms used in the publishing business.
Books I've bought... now a bunch of these books arrived today, i haven't had a chance to read but one yet.
Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Market MUST BUY BOOK!
Children's Writer's Word Book
Formatting & Submitting Your Manuscript by Chuck Sambuchino
Roget's Thesaurus of Phrases
The Writer's Digest Writing Clinic
Creating Characters Kids Will Love
Writing for Children and getting published
How to Write and Sell Children's Picture Books
The Writer's Digest Character Naming Sourcebook
The Business of Writing for Children
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Publishing Children's Books
These are just a start of links... i'll keep adding to this post and comment to it when i add. I'm only learning myself... I'm just going by what I'm reading on the web. There are many many more publishers and agents out there... just google them... all agents and publishers take different genres of books... what might be ok in my list won't be for you if you are writing something totally different.
Some tips I've found out since I've started down this new path...
You must read each publisher's submissions' guidelines first. Check back often as they change regularly.
Check to see if they take email query letters or snail mail ones, or both.
Never send your manuscript unless it's specified to do so.
Do not self publish unless it's just for family.
Revise, revise, revise, and then ask around to see if someone will proofread your manuscript for you.
Do not state your age in your query letter.
Follow the guidelines of your query letter to a "T". Any mistakes could mean rejection.
I'll keep adding to the tips as i think of them.
Happy writing!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sore Day...
Watched Left Behind tonight with the kids. I loved it and i really did like the message. Not sure if that's who it'll happen, but it still makes one think. Kirk Cameron played in it. I loved him in it. Love him anyway! lol He also played in Fireproof ... awesome movie too! Great message in it.
Must hit the hay, early start tomorrow :)
Oh! I saw something on TV which made me have a new idea for a little book :) I think i'll write while it's fresh... you never know!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Tim Chaisson & Morning Fold - Broken Hearted Beat
Book 2 is on the computer!
I know i get bored reading the same story over and over. This should make it fun lol... and it'll make it easier to find mistakes in the story if i read it with fresh eyes after a while.
Next move?... I make my list for sending out my query letter. Agents and publishers. Pray for me! It'll be so nerve wrecking lol
I've subscribed to this magazine... Writer's Digest my first issue hasn't arrived, but i can't wait to see it!
My friend send me a poster he made for my book... i think he did another awesome job!

Quicky Update... sent my 2nd query letter out... this company wanted the manuscript... so it's gone to it's very first query! oh this is nervewrecking! I gave them a 2 week exclusive... we'll see what happens.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Books are now for sale on Prince Edward Island :)

I haven't had a chance to get my list of publishers or agents out, but hopefully tomorrow.
I want to post a link to a book that any writer of any age must buy... 2010 Writer's Market Deluxe Edition Amazon's Description...

The 2010 Writer's Market Deluxe Edition includes all the valuable information you expect in the standard Writer's Market PLUS a 1-year subscription to In addition to the 3,500+ listings in the Writer's Market, you'll have instant online access to another 2,500+ listings that just couldn't fit in the book?with daily updates.
Take charge of your writing career with online tool
s that allow you to organize your favorite market listings and keep track of where you submit your work. All of this and more is available on an easy-to-use Web site that is accessible from anywhere with online access.
A dear friend made a couple wallpapers for me from my blog... he's so kind and nice... and
the wallpapers are unbelievable! He totally knows me and understands my likes. He's awesome and gave me permission to share them on my blog.
He also made some posters for my blog... They are so pretty!
Here's another one, there are more, but i'll take one of each different text for now... but i can't get it past the other one no matter what i do, so i put it at the beginning of tonight's post :D
Pittsburgh lost, my hubby isn't happy :( poor fellow. But hopefully Boston will beat them next :D
About to watch Old Dogs with my honey John Travolta! I'd put a pic in of him, but it won't let me argh!
Sweet Dreams, Everyone
Monday, May 10, 2010
My First Agent Responded!!!
I wish she'd have said yes, but i get it :) it's all good.
Now to make another list :)
Oh and i got some gardening done today! It's a great day so far :D
2nd book finished
No word on my first query that i sent out yet... but it hasn't been a week yet and they said to give them the exclusive for 2 weeks.
The sun is trying hard to win the fight against the clouds... clouds winning so far, but hopefully not for long.
I'll go grab a picture so you all can see PEI in early May :D
Here's a little closer pic of the bird bath garden with my witch hazel!
Bear with me.. lol... hopefully this will turn out right, when i post a picture it goes to the top of this page then i have to move it down.
Must go start typing while My Youngest is watching Bolt... but first, i have to post a wonderful site that helps me a lot with writing tips... if you want to write, this is the site to go to... i'll post more too.. .
Holly Lisle... You'll love her site!
One thing we learned.... never put too much popcorn in your pot! lolol... I removed the pictures of My Youngest here... but the pic was the popcorn pot overflowing with popcorn :)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Wrote some poems...
Here they are...
This is the children's poem... i looked at My Youngest Daughter and thought, "what kind of song would you like?" then it hit me *ouch* a song about her day!
I Thank God
When I wake up at the break of dawn
I jump out of bed with a great big YAWN
I help make my bed to start off my day,
and I thank God for hearing me pray.
After my dinner in the bright noons' light
I help my mama tidy then shout, "All Right!"
We go outside to work and play
and I thank God for love everyday.
It's suppertime; the sun's going away
I help my dad cook and holler, "O Kay!"
We gather around sitting in place
and I thank God when i say Grace.
Sleep time comes, tuck me in tight,
I snuggle down cozy, whispering, "Good Night"
I say my prayers and give mama a kiss
and I thank God for all of THIS .
©Denise MacLennan Bruce
2nd Poem... I was sitting here by my window, looking out at my gardens, and thought they already are a poem... so i wrote what i felt...
My Strength
My garden is my haven
It's my place to talk with God
He is always there to guide me
and strengthen my weary heart
when life gets too heavy.
Those dear flowers!
So thoughtful, caring and true
Putting on their modest show
for me, their kindred soul.
Butterflies flutter; love everywhere
like sparkling bubbles floating in the air
I watch them flying blithily
forgetting the heartaches of that hurtful day
So plant yourself a garden
The decision is up to you
God will be there waiting
He's there for me and you.
© Denise MacLennan Bruce
Last Poem.... i really wanted to write one about my brother, who we lost in 1996... very suddenly of hypertrophiccardiomyopothy ...
Losing You
When you left us, our hearts broke in two
It was so sudden, what could we do?
You were our life, our love, our heart.
Living without you was hard from the start.
It was a bright moonlit night
when you left us with fright
I stood by my window praying with merciless labour
For God to bring you back to fix this broken chamber.
You didn't come back, I was so wrong
Why take you away from where you belong?
Your at peace now, i must think of you,
You live in my heart. I know what do do.
©Denise MacLennan Bruce
I'm about to leave to go do mom and dad's gardens and pruning. It'll be fun... plus i'll hopefully get some stories from them. I'm going to try to write a book on their lives when they were little. I really think it'll be a good thing. I'm very excited about it.
I've also been trying to low carb all week... been only able to do it in the mornings, as i have to make dinner for the men, but it's a start. I really should change the name of this blog to a smorgasbord of everything lol I've found some of my paperdoll friends blog too! It's so cool :D
Back to the low carbing... today's dinner was chicken thighs, broccoli and turnip fries with alfredo sauce on the side. wow! it was yummy! I'm going to get my pizza dough made for during the week, it's not real dough, but low carb and very yummy! I should have taken a picture of the dinner before i ate it... bear with me, i'll get used to posting the pics lol
It's a sunny day on Prince Edward Island!! yahoo!!
I almost forgot... on my paper doll group a lady shared a wonderful post, i must share it too...
Anita's Paper Dolls Hope ya like it :D
Friday, May 7, 2010
My Magnolia...
I have my camera, but it was dead... Avery got enough life out of it to get a pic of my magnolia...
Once it charges, I'll take another pic... and i'll keep my camera with me always :)
I also found my Green Gables walk pictures from my birthday on it... but the camera had some setting on it that brightened all the pics :( but i took 2 videos and they turned out, so I'll put them on my face book.
I had a thought last night for a new idea for a book... no fairies... real people... I started writing it and like it so far :D