Thursday, February 16, 2012

Piboidmo - 12x12 in 2012 - Writing in Verse

Yes, it's me, after a long absence, yet again.

I've been sick, but am 100% this week, yay!  BUT!  I haven't stopped writing during these days.  I've been working with my critique groups on a few stories.

You all know I've been working on Pippa, as my #1 story in verse.  I've sent it to a wonderful lady, who is so kind and giving.  Margot Finke   Here's her facebook page.  She critiques manuscripts and is very kind.  She helped me and advised me and steered me in the right direction with writing in verse.  

One lady Margot directed me too is Dori Chaconas  who has great advice on that link about writing in verse.  I was able to start getting a handle on that horrid meter.  It wasn't until I found Writer's Helper ...   you sign up for the 4 emails... it's free... and BOOM!!  I was able to understand meter and be able to catch it with the taDA TAda system!!   sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... I redid Pippa... and again... and again... and now again... I'm going to get this story perfect if it kills me!  It's a good story and worth it to me.  I know I can do it... it's just going to take a loooooooooooooooooooong time lol  I'm so up for the challenge.  After almost a year of working on this story, I can't give up on her now :)

I also have a few stories out there getting critiqued... been working on them since November during Piboidmo  which started with the wonderful Tara Lazar  Then I signed up for the 12x12 in 2012 challenge with Julie Hedlund  who is so kind and caring.  It's where you take your piboidmo story and write one out for every month of 2012 and you end up with 12 drafts of your stories.  It's a great way to motivate.  I'm trying to do it for now, but once work starts up, I'll have to leave it.

One story I started at the beginning of piboidmo was about my daughter and her bangs... I'm happy to say that it's ready to send out :)  I can't believe it after such a job it is to get Pippa perfect.  I hope it's a winner!

Lesson learned... you need critique groups to learn... if you don't have one, go find one.  They are worth it.  Some might be hard to take, but give it a while and you'll realize they are for the best and will help you.  Maybe I'll do a post on critiques later on :)

Ok, Thankfulness and Positiveness...
I'm thankful my kids are kind and soft hearted, which means they get hurt easily, but it's better than being an unkind person with a hard- sending hurt to others on purpose- heart.

I'm becoming a better writer of verse than when I started :)  it's positive! lol

Have a nice day, everyone.  I hope it's filled with many blessings.


  1. Glad you are feeling better and that PIPPA is being beautifully refined. Looks like you have found some great resources. Thanks so much for the tip about Writers Helper!

    1. You're welcome, Joanna :) I'm going to post Pippa to our rhyming group soon, just having problems getting it ready lol

      but soon! :)

  2. Good for you for sticking to your guns and committing to LEARNING how to write verse. I write in verse too, and it can be a bear. I always tell people not to do it unless they LOVE it and feel, as I do, that I just HAVE to write it.

    1. I so want to get this, Julie, and it's hard. It's so worth it when it finally clicks... and it's clicking... just still taking a while to make it "sing" as my daughter told me last night. She's six lol

      Have you ever written a blog post on writing in verse? I'd love to read it if so :)

