Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stephen King's On Writing Really works!

Yes, this shocks me.  I am not a lover of horror movies, books, or even stories around the bon fire.  I avoid them as much as I can.  Until my warriors mentioned to read King's book.  These warriors are smart and I know that a book mentioned is a piece of gold.  Stephen King inspires Denise of Ingleside to write!!

  As you know, I detested the beginning, and skipped it.  Toolbox was next, which I commented on earlier.  Next is On Writing... this is wonderful.  He's making me see my writing in a whole new light.  I see the mistakes I'm making and so want to get to work on my WIP (work in progress) but want to finish up the reading first.  On writing is great for inspiration.  I will finish it tonight, but it will be a keeper here at Ingleside.  That's a good thing for King lol  More to come on this book as soon as I finish it :)

  Next book on the list is The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing 

A dear friend gifted this book to me and I'll always treasure it.  Sue Grafton's piece is first on the list to read.   She writes about journaling. I also see Margaret Atwood has an article in it, that I'd like to read.   Also, Stephen King *grin* and Donald Maass.  

  Almost there with the new blogs design :) Loving what my friend is doing and so can't wait for you all to see it :) 
  Spring is almost here, I can smell it and it's so calling me.   I've got to get all I can done before gardening season hits and takes most of my time, so must write on! 

  Enjoy the last few weeks of winter, everyone!   Signing off with a couple winter shots at the beginning of winter.  I'll get my son to get some new updated ones :) 


  1. I should read some more writing books. I haven't done so in a while. I keep hearing about King's book.

    Those are lovely pictures.

  2. Oh Denise - I am SO pleased that you loved On Writing!! I thought it was amazing. My father-in-law gave it to me for Christmas, and I could not put it down - even all the biography stuff at the start that you skipped over. But I have flagged pages that I will probably refer back to for the rest of my writing life, and it has a 'special' spot on my bookshelf for easy reference.
    It's so fabulous that you loved it. Mix that with KM Weiland's character development stuff, and it looks like we are onto some winning writing!
    All the best my friend - the blog really is looking so beautiful at the moment.

  3. Oh - and I completely forgot to Add - Apparently Bird by Bird is also really good - thinking I need to get my hands on a copy soon!

  4. I finished it, Leigh and LOVED it! It was so full of information! Someday I do plan on going back and reading the biography part :) Right now I'm reading Dwight Swain's book and find it even better than Stephen Kings... it's so full of information too!
    Bird by Bird should be here any day :) thanks so much, Leigh :)

  5. thanks so much Medeia :) I hope you get to read it, and make sure to find Dwight Swain's book also. I'll try to blog soon about it :)

    Thanks so much for posting :)
